'91 Fourtrak 2.8 TDX
Hi All.
Just returned from a few days away and when joining the motorway, the truck took an impact to the windowscreen resulting in a 'bullseye', the outer layer of glass has gone ,exposing the inner layer membrane, with cracks radiating out. I called in to my local MOT garage who know the truck, and the damage is just within MOT allowances, its central between the two arcs of the wipers, but they think the damage is beyond repair (filler).
I am worried that if I make a claim on my insurance,(Fully Comp) re windowscreen cover, the cost of replacement may be more than the trucks book value, and the insurance company may try to write her off ????. The water penetration and frost, will probablly crack the screen completly.
Any thoughts on this.
Would be very suprised if
Would be very suprised if they did. could always investigat prices of parts and labour befor claiming, to get an idea of the price differential?
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
It did, this is why it was
It did, this is why it was so expensive, BMW at that time used this so called cutting edge technology on a number of its vehicles, mainly in sunnier climates.
Due to changes in legislation, particularly the light transmission of a minimum of 70% through windscreens and front side windows, these screens were dropped. Light transmission was less, and any dirt on the screen would prevent it from transmitting the required 70% of light.
It was good in the summer though, particularly when travelling through Europe, particularly as it reduced the UV rays coming through.
More technology applied to motor vehicles relegated to the automotive scrap bin for all eternity.
Cracked Up
Check your insurance policy, many offer free windscreen cover with no excess to pay, but watch the installers as they sometimes try a scam.
If your screen is covered with no excess payable, the trick they try is to come out of office hours, this way they can charge you an out of hours charge.
My former BMW had a reactolite screen, same as the sunglasses, and was hit by a brick dropping from a skip lorry, this trashed the screen but did not go right through. There were only two screens in the UK, and the company selected by my insurers was one which held this screen. Reading my policy document, i found that appointments between 5pm and 8am were subject to this out of hours charge, so an appointment was made for 4.30pm. The windscreen guy did not turn up until 5.15pm and replaced my screen, he then tried to charge me this charge, quoting my insurance terms and conditions. Obviously i did not pay, but they tried turning the heat up in an attempt to make me pay, even threatening debt collectors. My response was that the appointment was at 4.30 and if the windscreen fitter could not make the appointment, it was not my fault, and i should have been contacted, they disagreed. Contacting my insurers resolved this dispute, they told them this was extortion, and threatened to remove them from their approved repairers list.
The moral is check your insurance cover, and watch for the scams these windscreen companies will try.
Insurance Excess
Assassin took the words right out of my mouth. Most full comp policies cover all glass, lights as well with no excess and no effect on your no claims.
Putting screens in is easy on some cars with a bit of mower pull start cord the length of the distance around the seal, a bit of lubicant like rubber grease and a strong arm from inside the car to pull the seal over the aperture and roof lining. Done it plenty of times on Mini's, hardest job is getting the chrome strip in, but never tried a Daihatsu type. The fitters make it look childs play.
M J Young
Have you considered doing it
Have you considered doing it yourself?
I know it sounds daunting, but even though I had the experience of windscreen fitter who lived next door a few years ago, I have now done a fair few (OK it is a 2 man job) earlier non-bonded windscreens, and it's not too bad at all as long as you take your time and have a few basic tools.. A fair few people do this - how many cars do you see at the breakers without a windscreen? - and many breakers actually remove a lot of glass and stack it seperatly nowadays.
IF-repeat-IF it's like the Sportrak then its non-bonded and actually having just been out and looked at it I would presume an identical fit as well. You will need a rubber mallet, one of those small wallpaper hanging rollers, black sillicone bathroom sealant (forget the proper windscreen sealant - it dont stop the squeaks/leaks effectively and is more messy), a firm plastic spatula (I use one of those for used for baking, pinched from the kitchen)and a spot of acetone or good propriety solvent for cleaning the edge of the new screen and inside of the seal would be handy.
If you decide to go ahead, I'll happily write up the processes I use for you.
Dave with a Sporty
Dave with a Sporty