Hi All,
after chatting to some friends, they suggested that to get more power out of the engine would be to advance the timing by twisting the bottom of the ignition coil
Is there any benifits to doing this?
Hi All,
after chatting to some friends, they suggested that to get more power out of the engine would be to advance the timing by twisting the bottom of the ignition coil
Is there any benifits to doing this?
Well, first up, by twisting
Well, first up, by twisting the coil on a Sportrak is, err, quite difficult as it's square and bolted to the bulkhead. For all the increase in performance that would give, you may as well twist the wiper motor or front bumper.
What your not-so-knowledgeable friends are really getting at is the distributor. And this should not be touched unless by someone who knows what they are doing. Any alteration from it's standard setting without engine modifications requiring this will lead to severe problems, even running the risk of the engine turning into a pretty efficient spark eroder, putting holes in the pistons. There are basic modifications you can do to extract a bit more power in the standard set-up which mainly revolve round the air intake and are well documented in the forums here.
Initially I would suggest a proper service by a competent garage with correct diagnostic equipment to set the engine to it's peak efficiency if you suspect it has been alterd in some way, and then work from there.
Dave with a Sporty
Dave with a Sporty
thanks for the reply, i
thanks for the reply,
i have got all the basics on it, new 4-2-1 manifold custom 2 inch exhaust with sports cat, cone filter, and taken off the viscus fan and fitted a kenlowe fan
NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think your friends refer to the distributor. Twisting it will certainly change the power - it will probably cause the engine to [advance] knock or [retard] run rough. If you do not have the knowledge of setting the timing, I suggest you do not attempt loosening or twisting the distributor!
The disributor must be set at manufacturers degrees btdc.
What does help if its an older Sporty with contact breaker inside the distributor, is to set the contact points at 1mm gap. Also make certain the centrifugal weights found below the contacts, are clean and lightly oiled.