Hi does any one know where the Idle control valve lives on the car,it's a 1.0 .I would like to strip and clean.
Thanks Neil
Hi does any one know where the Idle control valve lives on the car,it's a 1.0 .I would like to strip and clean.
Thanks Neil
Hi, what year and engine
what year and engine type is it??
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Black Charade GTti, 89 White Charade GTti, 1998 White 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance!!
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Charade GTti, 89 Charade GTti, 98 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance
Hi it's a 1999 L701 EJ-DE
Hi it's a 1999 L701 EJ-DE .The tick over is going up and down from 600 to 1200 rpm .Any help would be good.
The idle valve assembly
The idle valve assembly is located under the throttle body housing. You should have a throttle position sensor on the back and a vacuum sensor on the top too. There is a small gasket on the idle speed control valve and maybe this is leaking.
Check all the vacuum hoses are connected and flowing clear including the one from the back of the rocker cover that goes up into the left of the throttle body.
You could do with diagnostics to rule out the electrical side. Not sure if yours has plug in OBD or terminal shorting with engine management light blinking.
Good luck.
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Black Charade GTti, 89 White Charade GTti, 1998 White 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance!!
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Charade GTti, 89 Charade GTti, 98 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance
Thanks Dave for your help
Thanks Dave for your help it's good to find someone with any knowledge of these cars.Do I need to remove the throttle body to get at the Idle control it easy /hard.It does have a diagnostic plug which terminals do I short out.There is a diagram under the bonnet so I tried that and the engine management light just kept flashing with no breaks so I am wondering if there's a code there .I have used this shorting out system on a Vauxhall vectra with good suceess.
Thanks for your time.