I've recently got myself a Hijet 6 seater mini van and I'll be taking the little beast all the way to Mongolia.
I'm taking part in the London to Mongolia rally this year. It's a charity event where teams drive very smalll cars to Mongolia where they are donated to people who need them. We also raise money along the way.
Don't worry, I'm not on a blag for cash
I could really do with some advice on potential problems though please. Anything that's likely to go wrong or any places I could get cheap spares.
We can advertise on the car if any spares company was interested too.
On the drive back from Birmingam in it I was straight away torn on whether to take it or not. I absolutely love it, and it's in superb condition so I was very tempted to keep it. But someone out there could really use it so I'm committed now. I'll definitely be looking at getting another on my return though.
Sorry, lengthy post! I would be really grateful for any help or advice anyone could give.
Thanks for your time