A new user! Can any-one help me to source a set of alloy wheels for my fourtrak fieldman. I am looking specifically for those as fitted to many of the later estate models. Not sure what they are called but there are many examples of these on the excellent gallery page! (i.e. in the 'rocky' section, No.7, the silver truck with the horse box behind it)
My local dealer wants £300 each for them without tyres!!
The old B reg 'greenlaner' in the gallery looks like it has some on.....want to swop them for some steels with tyres???
Sure there must be some about somewhere, please help.
What sort of steel wheels? Th
What sort of steel wheels? They'd have to be 7J15's at least. Whelers maybe? Just to wet your appitit, have a look at the new pictures in the gallery, you see I used to have a Fieldman myself...
P.S. Be warned though. If you mannage to get your hands on some of these wheels, be ware. You need special extra long wheel nuts to use with them, not the stubby dome ended type used on standard steel wheels. This is becouse the nuts fit very tightly into deep holes in the wheels. No space to get a socket into (I've tryed). And here's the painful part, Daihatsu will charge you £12 sumit + VAT for (waight for it) 1, yes I said ONE of these long nuts. I know I couldn't belive it either. Nither could the block behind the desk at the dealers. He re-checked the part number 3 times to make sure he'd goten it right.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
Did you find any wheels i have just fitted my field man with 8.5 x 15 with 33x12.50 tyres and have the alloys off it and tyres if your intrested.