fourtrak dl52 with variable delay pre heating system,first time starter from cold,but sometimes will not fire up after a run,when problem occurs the procedure is always ,will not start ,walk away and try again after say 15 mins more often than not this works.process of illimination new glow plugs new fuel filter new battery now considering looking at pre heating relay,timer,water temp sensor and cut off solanoid am i on right track and in which order, considering a quote of 90 quid plus vat for latter.
When you say wont start, do y
When you say wont start, do you meen she spines over and wont fire, or that he starter wont turn? And if starter, does it click, or is there no reaction to turning the key at all?
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
New fuel filter is the clue.
New fuel filter is the clue. Make absolutely sure the fuel system has been bled properly. It may even take the slight undoing of one of the injector pipes, while the motor is running, to completely bleed it.
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All views and advice offered are my own, from my own experiences. Take such advice at your own risk.
Growing old is compulsary, growing up isnt.
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i would go with
i would go with a new fuel filter and bleed the fuel system.
had the same problem with car once just needed bleeding it started fine when cold but would not when hot. air expands when hot
hi there there is now way
hi there
there is now way on the planet its the heater plugs or relay, if starts COLD and then not when HOT, if hot it will not even need the glow plugs to start, even in a british summer its almost warm enought to fire with no glow plugs! sorry but you have wasted money on the new glow plugs and battery etc.
its defo not the heater plug system, i would check the stop start soliniod, this may get warm and stick, it could also as mentioned be a fuel blead back problem. perhaps there is air in the fuel system somewhere.
it dont make a lot of sense as most diesels if have a problem will not start when cold, not the other way around! check the stop start soliniod, that would be my first to check matey!
have you been running it on anything dodgey? perhaps the injectors are blocked?
also do a compression test when cold and when hot!
anyone wana ride in my hovercraft!
Mine does the same thing at the mo.A bit of a pain. Mine doesnt turn the engine though i can hear the coil pulling in on the starter. Therefore diagnosis is worn contactors in the starter motor. I guess when the engine is warm the contacts expand and so cannot contact to spin the starter. Hope this helps
thanks for reply,everything turns it just dont fire
no its the solinoid in the st
no its the solinoid in the starter motor sticking, hit it with a mallet and it will free, other wise take it to bits and clean it!
anyone wana ride in my hovercraft!
hot start
my rocky has just had new nozzles put on injectors as she was reluctant to start when warm and engine was cutting out.i wont have her back for a few days as am getting springs changed but will let you know if it solves the prob