Just a little warning to anyone with a sporty 1.6 injection. If you go to some Web sites they will list a pump ,part No EFP1.This will NOT run your car as it is only for carb setups.After getting one pump of E-bay ,to no fault of the seller and then trying a big auto parts dealer who took all my engine details and even my reg and still could'nt get the right pump !In a state of dispair i ended up in a scrap yard and took a pump of a Renault 21 !(1990ish vintage ),call it luck but it works great and only cost £10.Note.. the EFP2 pump won,t work ether as both pumps only run at 2.5 and 3.5 psi and the injection needs 38 psi to work.Hope this helps enyone else from the trouble i had.