getting very bad mpg on a 2001 yrv with only 37k, surely it should be good on fuel when driving normaly. only geting around 35 mpg. any help or thoughts on this.
getting very bad mpg on a 2001 yrv with only 37k, surely it should be good on fuel when driving normaly. only geting around 35 mpg. any help or thoughts on this.
Is it an auto or manual? What sort of driving are you doing? Has it been serviced reguarly? Do you carry any additional weight or roof rack on the car? How are you measuring your mpg?
There's a number of factors that could cause you to get what you are. If you give some more details it could give some insight into why you get what you do.
53reg Black YRV Turbo 130
its a manual and last serviced at 30k (now @ 37k) but i dont know what was done on the service as it was done before i bought it. no roof rack just all standard and driving normaly in and around town and long journeys.if put £10 petrol in(about 11 liters) only gettin 85 miles.
i think this is bad mpg but is it.
when first started it idles at around 1300rpm until it warms up very quickly and then idles around 600rpm(warm)
bad mpg on yrv
I would agree that that is disappointing mpg for a YRV, the only other thing I can suggest is you check for a fuel leak!
If you've checked all the obvious things, I would be tempted to take the car to a Daihatsu dealer and have them connect the car to their diagnostic computer to see if one of the numerous sensors for the ECU is faulty.
Good luck!
bad mpg on yrv
ok have done couple of full tank mile tests and only getting 250 miles on full tank around town and 270-280 on town & long runs surley this is bad, any helps guys, thanks
The only thing I can suggest is that you need to work your fuel economy out on full tanks of fuel not just £10 a time. Brim the tank, reset the trip counter and then use the car, next time you fill up brim the tank again. Record the miles you have travelled and the litres of fuel that went in.
The problem with basing it on £10 a time is that you have put that much in but how do you know you have used all of that in those 85 miles?
53reg Black YRV Turbo 130
bad mpg on yrv
See previous discussion on YRV Turbo 130, mine gets 40.5 mpg and wifes YRV F - Speed averages 48 mpg. Both cars are automatics, but in my experience transmission type rarely makes a dramatic difference on fuel consumption in modern cars.
Check your brakes aren't binding on and that your car has been recently serviced as new spark plugs and air filter can make a difference. Does the car warm up quickly, or does it take several miles/minutes, as a faulty thermostat or electric cooling fan could make it run cold and use more fuel. Also check your tyre pressures.
Finally, 'you say when driving normally', do you live and drive only in an urban environment? Are your journeys mostly short and not allowing the car to warm up fully? All these factors can affect fuel consumption, hope this helps!