sportrak running


hi, i've recently bought a 1997 sportrak and i'm wondering if anyone else suffers from the same problem as me or if its normal. when started cold my sporty has a lack of power until the temp guage reaches a third warm. when it reaches this point its like a turbo kicking in,its fine after that. also does anyone have a intermitant vibration from the dash area on tick over, its extreamly loud and annoying. also does anyone have a bull bar for sale for my sporty

For the running problem, it's

For the running problem, it's possible you auto choke is not working properly. If you let go of the loud pedel, does the 'idle speed' setle at about 1500RPM on the rev counter when the engine is still cold? If it idles at about 800 or so, you may need the chock checked.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.