F78 Headlamp problem


Sorry to be dumb but the headlamp has blown on my 4Trak and I cant get the sodding thing out to replace it.
The owners handbook says just remove the connector at the back of the headlamp, er, ok, but HOW? I have pulled twisted squose and banged my head on the wall.
None have worked.
HELP please
Best wishes

The three pin connector pulls

The three pin connector pulls straight back, and off. Next, remove your grill, and you should see 3 screws around the edge of the headlight with springs behind the headlight rim at about 12, 4 and 8 o'clock( assuming they are round headlights.) Push the headlight in toward the car slightly, and at the same time, twist the whole headlamp counterclockwise. The headlight should then come off in your hand. You can remove the headlight before pulling the connector from the rear. This will make the connector easier to get to. If it is a halogen headlight, you replace the bulb (making sure you dont touch the glass of the bulb with bare hands) by removing the rubber boot, and twisting off the bulb holder. Installation is the reverse procedure.
Hope this all helps.
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Growing old is compulsary, growing up isnt.
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Thanks David

Thanks Mate
To be honest the connector wouldn't come off so I asked a local garage.
It turned out the connectors were rusted to the bulb spades.
Luckily it was the drivers side where you have to be a gynaecologist to reach Smile
Anyway, once he had bullied it off and cleaned up the connector everything was OK.
The one on the other side is also refusing to come off so I wonder if it a known problem with it?
Hey Ho
Million thanks

Bad connectors

I have had the same problem and I had to change the connectors and solder new ones on. I think it a well known problem. The get welded on the pads by the current.

It has been known for the res

It has been known for the resistence in the conection between the wiring loom, and the bulb to cause enughf heat to melt the plastic around the conection. I ended up cutting the wiring, and conecting a new set of spads.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.