Free Wheeling Hubs - are Suzuki/Toyota/Mitsubishi compatible for Indy Fourtrak?


Hi All

Last weekend I discovered that my automatic FWH's were not locking and I was stuck in 2WD. I have being trying to source Manual replacements and, with the exception of Milners, not having much luck. Ideally I would like to pay less than what they are asking! Can I source FWH's from any manufacturer (or aftermarket supplier) as long as they are 6 bolt and 26 spline? Or are there other concerns (diameter of halfshaft etc)?




Try Ebay there are a good number of Sporty's being broken and you can either get replacement auto's or manuals at a fraction of the new cost.


M J Young

I know Suzuki SJ hubs are 6

I know Suzuki SJ hubs are 6 stud, but I think the half shafts are a smaller diamiter.
I know Mitsubishi hubs are 6 stud, but I think the diamiter is bigger. Also manual Mitsi' hubs are prity hard to find.
The earlier Daihat's FWH's are 5 stud. Must say I thought they were all the way through the range. If not it is posible that later F70/75/80/85's might be 6 stud?

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.

are both yours not working

are both yours not working or just one? as I've one from my indy thats fine from the drivers side. i have to say I bit the bullet and got the milner ones hence I've the one that works left.

Think it's just drivers side - not 100% sure

Had them both off properly for the first time yesterday. Driver's side was full of mud and dirt. Passenger side looked good, with plenty of nice clean grease!
Had a half hearted go at cleaning the dirty hub, but couldn't get one of the circlips off so not very thorough and didn't seem to make much difference (assuming I put them back on correctly!). If I can verify that passenger side is OK then I'll PM you, otherwise I'll be on to Milners website!

How easy were the ones from Milners to fit and do they seem good quality? (who is the actual manufacturer?)

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avs I think are the maker

avs I think are the maker and yes the quality seems good, you get all the bits to swap including new circlips etc, mine is definitely a different beast with them, I don't know if the free wheeling hubs can allow any slip but I'm pretty sure its never worked this well. The nice thing is you know for definite they are unlocked, downside is you need to get out to engage them but hey thats not the end of the world

Thanks for info

Thanks - in the long run Milners looks the way to go. Since I last wrote I have bought some circlip pliers and grease and stripped down and cleaned the near side hub. Was definately just jammed - however, made a hash of putting it back together and I think it's permanently locked now. Other side not working either - will try and do the same to it as I'd rather they were both always on rather than always off!
I had thought it was OK (ie clean enough) though - makes me worry that there is something wrong with the transfer box - any ways to test this?

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hey on