Sportrak Exhust. Where from?


Hi all.
Gone and bought a Sporti now. Haven't had one for about 8 years. Was wonering if anyone can give me sugestions as to the best UK mail order place to get a full exhoust system, and a pair of rear spring hangers and bushes. Is Millner Offroad still basicly it? Has anyone found a better outlet?

All sugestions appreciated.



Milners is the most obvious choice and can normally supply most bits. I purchased a Stainless one some 10 years ago from RIMMER BROTHERS and it was around the £200 then but worth every penny with 100K miles through it in the time and still going strong. They do the normal steel one's as well.

You can find a few other suppliers via Google but most are limited. I hgewt a number of items from ebay and I know that there are a pair of new rear springs on there in the order of 145£ which I think may be more than some of the other suppliers. You can always go to PARTCO or another MOTOR FACTOR direct as most local shops order from them and then add their profit. I have heard that Catalytics from them direct for some cars are a third the price and they do have a non trade counter. Obviously Halfords are for polish and bling and not a serious supplier of real spares. It would have been better if they kept to bikes. I live in France so suppliers are difficult as finding hen's teeth but to date Ebay and Milner have served me very well in keeping both of mine running, plus a French company in Normandy, but they only sell Daihatsu's own parts which are a bit pricey.

Good Luck


M J Young


Hi ,
you should always check out the suppliers listed in the clubs parts dealers header. They are all recomendations based on price, quality and service etc by members who have dealt with them at some point.
I like Buypartsby for mail order, good service and trade like prices.
You should be able to source similar from any local trade parts factors.
They all say trade but the majority will deal with you, especialy if you tell them its Daihatsu and how you've torn out your hair trying to source stuff Cray 2
If fitting it yourself is a problem, firstly price up a system at a trade parts dealers, then ask at various back street fitter/suppliers and compare the difference. Stay well away from Quick-rip and similar outlets!
Also check out Ebay, think there is a system on there right now.
Good luck.

Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Black Charade GTti, 89 White GTti, 1998 White 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance!!

Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Charade GTti, 89 Charade GTti, 98 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance Wink

I'm fairly new to Daihatsus,

I'm fairly new to Daihatsus, but I used this company a few times with my last car - half decent prices, fast delivery, never had any complaints about them myself.

Just had a look at the price for a full exhaust system for my SWB 1990 2.8td Fourtrak - £94 + P&P (£10)

They do a heck of a lot of parts and the search system takes to you exactly what you want without having to trawl through loads of other stuff.

Got ours from CES (Chester

Got ours from CES (Chester exhaust supplies)who have branches throughout the North-West. It straight was off the shelf, incredibly....

Dave with a Sporty

Dave with a Sporty

Thank you all for quick

Thank you all for quick replies.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.


If you are having problems finding an exhaust, do what many people do if they intend keeping a vehicle, fit stainless steel. If you have the necessary welding and fabrication experience, you can manufacture your own from stainless steel. One word of warning though, use only stainless steel throughout, and only weld it with a compatible stainless steel rod.

Begin by working out your requirements, and contact companies such as Milners, or Jetex exhausts, these supply all the tubing, bends, pre manufactured silencers, silencer components, and Jetex even supply catalysts in stainless.

Remove your old exhaust, work out all its dimensions, and obtain the appropriate parts, manufacture one section at a time and fit to your vehicle, work right through the system. Cut open any silencers or reasonators and copy them in stainless, or use commercially obtainable replacements.

Having made many stainless exhausts for many years, i can say there is nothing more gratifying than saying i made it all myself.


I find my local diy motor shop gives the best price. Most internet suppliers add postage making the prices less attractive. Try negotiating on internet prices [take a print out price] with your local diy motor shop since they will want your order.Try at MAX the internet price before postage is added. You should be able to get a deal below the internet price.
If your motor is pre 'Aug J reg' you wont need to include a cat for MOT. I replaced my system with the available longer front pipe and rear silencer with no loss of power [£80.44 on site below]. MPG has improved.
The parts are itemised on the link below. Also buy replacement gaskets.
For price comparison try:

Tip ... when replacing the rear silencer you must jack the car so the wheels hang down freely. That means dont jack the car under the axle or suspension arms! This increases the gap between axle and motor - the gap is needed to get the silencer pipe into its position.Cut through the old pipe between the rear axle and cat so it can be pulled away. I use a trolly jack under the tow bar union beneath the bumper and place 'loose' axle stands under the axle as a precaution..... take care!

Where are you?

If your anywhere near walsall

I have an MOT failed sportrak that I just use for parts, if I remember right the exhaust is in good condition and will probably just be left to rot as my other two sportraks have good exhausts. should you want it and be able to collect it... I don't want any cash for it but please make a small donation to the Macmillan Cancer Support by following the link in my signature. for free fun offroading in the midlands

Thank you for the offer.

Thank you for the offer. However I'm not anywhere near you.
Cheers anyway.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.