Vibration in first when pulling away under load.
Fourtrak 2.8TD 1991.
On my last holiday I was towing a loaded caravan probably no more than a tonne in weight. When pulling away in first the whole car vibrates violently. This doesn't happen in the other gears or if I pull away in first whilst in 4 WD. The only way to stop it was to hold the gear stick in first whilst pulling away. Another symtom, which may or maynot be part of the same problem, is that sometimes putting the gearbox in gear or pulling it out is extreamly (two handed tug!) difficult. I do need to take the box off soon as I need to replace the clutch as I suspect that the springs on the clutch housing have had it due to the fact that the car still tries to creep forward occasionally even with the clutch fully depressed. So I was wondering if there is something worn in the gearbox that I could replace whilst I have it out. Any pearls of wisdom would be greatly apreciated.
Beach Boys Problem
Two potential problems here, it could be one or the other, or a combination of the two.
Gear selection getting difficult is usually the gearbox mainshaft nut working loose, on the rear of the transfer case is a bra shaped aluminium cover, remove this and tighten the upper left hand nut. This is a 30mm nut, use a good spanner and pull as tight as you can, remember to stake the nut correctly when retightened, as it will soon work loose again.
Problem two is the first signs of the rear propshaft uj's wearing, check these for side play, these are held in by circlips, if they are wearing check Milners website for replacements, ensure you grease these joints regularly.
Assassin, It looks like
It looks like you're bang on the money with the UJ's the front UJ on the rear shaft has about 2mm of lateral play and the rear UJ has some play but is too small to visably measured. Before I remove the cover on the back of the box I would just like to confirm that I have the correct one. The cover I see is triangular with humps in two corners (top left is the largest) and some kind of sensor running into the top right. The whole plate is above and to the right of the Propshaft. If I park the car facing down slope can I avoid draining the gearbox? I try to grease all the nipples on the car every 4 months but some of the nipples on the UJs are impossible to get the gun on. Any practical advice on gaining access to those difficult to grease nipples?
Sounds like the correct
Sounds like the correct cover plate, it is aluminium and held on by six bolts, looking from the rear it is the upper left nut which comes loose. Tighten it as tight as you can, and do not forget to stake the nut into the shaft keyway to prevent it coming loose.
Replacing the UJ's is easy, remove the circlips, tap the shaft ftom side to side to loosen the bearing cups, and remove. Replacement is the opposite.
Two options exist for your greasing problem, while the new uj is unfitted, get extended nipples for them, you can get the thread size from the unfitted unit.
Slimline grease gun ends can be purchases cheaply, these will fit into the UJ to allow the yolks to be greased.
Alternatively: if your grease gun has a flexible hose as opposed to a rigid steel pipe, jack the rear of the vehicle up and support it under the chassis rails. This allows the rear axle to drop and increases the propshaft angle, thus opening it up, turn the prop until the nipple is at the top, and then an ordinary end will fit into the increased opening.
Dont go past a dying clutch.
Dont go past a dying clutch. When teaching my daughter how to drive in my 2.8 TD, she was a bit rough with the clutch. Suddenly, it would not start off from a standstill without violently shaking the whole vehicle. The clutch became very rough, and hard to change gears. It turned out she had actually spat one of the clutch plate springs out of where it is supposed to be. A change of clutch plate fixed it.
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