Help Please, Just taken out the alternator brushes to renew and wrote down the sequence for the insulating washers but cant find the paper i wrote it on .ANY HELP PLEASE. THANKS
Help Please, Just taken out the alternator brushes to renew and wrote down the sequence for the insulating washers but cant find the paper i wrote it on .ANY HELP PLEASE. THANKS
Alternator detail.
The information you need is on file section 'Section CH of Charging System' on the w/s CD manual. [Daihatsu 4x4 Service Manual for Feroza-F300-Sportrak]
Section contains 22 pages of details with exploded drawings. Buy a CD !
alternator detail
Hi mace, I got the cd and chaecked all but nothing shows the sequence of where the insulating washers go.Any ideas would be much appreciated.