HI Guys, wonder if you can help?
I recently bought a full set of replacement clocks for my swb track, 1995. It seems to me that teh existing ones werent th eoriginals, as they hav ebeen rewired, and the original plugs left behind the dash portion. The new clocks seem better, the clock has the white surround, voltmeter orange dial etc. I have fitted the clock and inclinomter fine (the inclinomter has two conneciton pins-but i dont have any wires to plug onto it so not sure why that is) but the voltmeter wires i have are all seperate, and not wired into a plug. Does anyone know how i should re wire the wires to the plug i have behind the dash? I have three pins on the new voltmeter, but 4 wires...! hope this makes sense, and hope you can help!
Can't help with the
Can't help with the voltmeter without looking it up (at work at mo), but the wires into the inclometer wil be suply and earth for the dash light.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
all sorted guys, this is
all sorted guys, this is what ha shappened. The chap I bought the car off must have re wired it, because i had two sets of wires behind the dials, so i did some jiggery pokery with the wires, blew some fuses, then got it all working, so well chuffed now, anyone need an old clock and old style voltmeter?
Four pin connections:
One live for lighting, one earth for lighting, you will need to check these by switching on the sidelights and seeing which is live.
One live from alternator circuit, and one earth from common earth connection, test by finding which one produces voltage when engine is running, and goes dead when the engine is switched off.
So four pin connections have two live feeds, and two earth connections.
Three pin connections:
One live for sidelights
One live from alternator circuit
One common earth.
Find the sidelight connection live, and connect these to all the lights on all the instruments, then do the same with the earth connection, this will ensure they will all light up when the sidelights are on.
thanks for this guys, should
thanks for this guys, should help, will give it a bash one evening and let you know!