Hello to all,
I am new to this and as the weather is stopping me from continuing with repairs, Thought id sign up and see if anyone is having similar probs as me or experienced it.
The trak had an intermittant fault where it would conk out and would possibly start straight away or would not start atall.
Then get in to turn the key a few days later and what do you know running fine !?!?
However at anytime the same fault occurs, At first i thougt this was the coil so i replaced it with a lucas DLB102 and the points,plugs (the usuall service parts) This cured it for a short run about say a 1 hour running time then as before it conked out (at 5am on the way to work). This however was where i thought i had sussed it. If you picture the key in the ignition barrel i shall attempt an explanation.
When the key is at the ON pos this is normal running pos.
However to start the engine the starter needs a lot of amps so at the ST pos this is achieved by putting a higher load through the coil to the starter (So ST is a higher voltage Usually 12v than ON which varies by manufacturer between 4v to 9v) this is achieved by a BALLAST RESISTOR.
Without going in to that to much, I have found that the car will run when you turn the key just past the ON pos toward the ST pos (just before starter spins). It will run So a shoe lace and some cursing got me on my way to work.
At this stage i Thought IG switch so got a new genuine one at £72!!
Ran but prob came back.
At this point i learned that the coil DLB102 that i had put on might not match the resistor on the car so without muckin about i changed the coil again (just incase damaged) with another DLB102 but with matching resistor, This is what i have just fitted today in the pissing down with rain !! Still the same.
Is there something else i should try?
Is anyone using the same coil set up as me as i say a DLB102 coil and a SCB400 Ballast resistor Which is 1.6 ohm rating.
Can anyone guide me as to where to purchase a service manual for this engine/model have got the diesel one but aint no help with this prob.
Thanks for reading
Does it start, and then die
Does it start, and then die as soon as you let the key return to the 'run' position? I only ask as an F20 did this to me once. Couldn't find the bad connection / wire. Ended up running a new wire from the fuse box, to a manual switch, to the coil / resistor set up.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.