Hello, I've recently bought a 1992 Daihatsu 2.8 four track.
Can someone please explain to my self how to engage four wheel drive.
When the truck is in neutral I can pull the four wheel drive lever back to engage four wheel drive and the four wheel drive indicator lights up, but when I try to push the lever forward to engage different ratios in the four wheel drive I cant get it to do any thing, looking at the lever it indicates that you push the lever forward and to the left and forward I think I,am getting it out of the neutral postion
I have an owner hand book that is not very helpful, and it mentions a button on the dash could someone please explain.
have a look at the front wheels
hi buddy, we just got rid of a Rocky about the same age as yours, when we wanted to engage four wheel drive we had to turn a large collar on the front wheel hubs, there was a sticker on the drivers door waist rail explaining how to do this.
I know it worked because the only time i ever had to engage four wheel drive was when i took the rear prop shaft OFF to replace the UJ's, and it was used for a week running in front wheel drive ONLY.
hope that helps.
There are two types of
There are two types of transfure box (the box behind the gearbox that makes the 4x4 and high/low ranges work). The older one (which it sounds like you have) is manual. The transfure lever moves from 2WD high to 4WD high, then sideways into nutral, then into 4WD low, as indicated by the badge in the top of the lever.
The later type only uses the lever to go from high to low and back. The 4WD / 2WD is operated by a switch on the dash.
As the 4x4 indicater lights up on your dash I'm guessing yours is manual (as sugested by the transfure lever badge) type. As for getting it into low range. The only thing I can think of without more info is, do you have the gearbox in nutral when moving the transfure from high to low? This can make a diffrence.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.