my sportrak has a clifford alarm when i bought my sporty 3 years ago it never come with a key fob for the alarm, and i have never needed one as its been no problem.
last weekend in replaced the battery on my sportrak, after refitting the new one the ignition turns on and the fuel pump goes but when you turn the key its dead.
after being puzzled but it i had a look over the wires to make sure it was all wired in. the car started ok for the week till last night then it did it again started second turn of the key. and again today before leaving work.
any ideas how i can fix this problem.
I believe you are writing that the 12v battery in Sporty has been replaced. Turning the ignition key makes the dashboard illuminate and the fuel pump 'clicks' but the starter motor does not always turn over.
1. The new battery has insuffient amps to torque the starter
2. The connections on the 12v battery are loose/dirty or the connectors at the styarter motor are loose/dirty.
3. The starter motor/solenoid is faulty.
4. The ignition switch is faulty. [try a few drops of WD40 into the ignition]
The 'clifford alarm' ..... do you imply the alarm has never been used and the doors are locked manually?
sporty immobiliser
Mace raises a point of interest to me,I have recently bought a 1997 Sporty Limited, fitted with a factory immobiliser and an alarm system.I only have one grey coded key which starts the car and unlocks both the doors via the drivers door central locking.I also have a plain silver key which unlocks the doors manually but only starts the car and allows it to idle and not move away. I am convinced neither of these keys activate the alarm, can anyone advise me what keys/fobs I could expect to have when this vehicle was new?