merry christmas and all that! ive just lost my indicators and theyve been replaced by a buzzing under the steering wheel colum, ive still got hazard lights though but the gremlins have also took away my four wheel drive, it has automatic locking hubs and when i put it into four wheel drive the light on the dash comes on but it lkies! theres nothing obvious hanging off underneath and no differant noises either, the ujs look ok but im lost, i use this truck daily for work in woods and on the farm and without 4wd its useless! if anyone can shed any light on this i would be very grateful as its an ace truck that normally represents a mud bath!
Light Work
Sounds like the flasher relay is faulty, this is what controls the indicators, and if none work it is the most likely culprit. Undertake the basics first, check all the fuses and see if any have blown, remove the steering column plastics and check for any rubbing wires, poor connections, and all plugs.
Graham Dewhurst
He had gone to Lapland, he will be tired now after all his deliveries, but will be back on the 2nd of Jan Thanks Bob
The buzzing sound does make
The buzzing sound does make me think shafted Indicator re-lay / flasher unit. It normally hides un behind the dash on the drives side I think. Can be seen above the fuse box, if you put your face against the break peddel, and look up the back of the dash.
As for the 4x4 thing. Try putting it in 4x4. Then try to turn the front prop by hand. You should not be able to turn it very far in either direction, as the transfure has locked it to the rear prop, which can't turn as the rear wheels are holding it firm. If this does turn the transfur is not locking. If it doesn't the problem is somewhere diff onwards. My guess would be the free wheeling hubs (FWH), but it could be a poped CV, half shaft or diff. 1st place to try, remove both FWH's. This will expose ends of drive shafts. Put car into 4x4. Now if you turn one exposed shaft by hand, the other should turn in th opposit direction. If not something is brocken between them. If all works as should clean and lub FWH's and put back on (or better stil replace with manual's).
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.