rear light wiring


hi, first post, just aquired a 91 fourtrak, the rear wiring is a right mess where a PO had bodged loads of bits of twisted wires together for a tow bar at some point.

I only have sunday to sort before i must use it, i have not even had time to order a manual yet, so i am hoping one of you can tell me the wiring colours and what it does Unknw

thanks in advance


Can't help with the coulors,

Can't help with the coulors, but from experiance it's quite easy to rewire the rear lights and tow bar together with a multi meter, 7 core (Trailer lights) wiering, and a pre-wired tow bar socket. Using the trailer wiering colour codes makes the whole thing go a lot easier.
Took me about 3 hours, from scratch, putting in high level tail lights at the same time, with no instructions, and tea breakes.
It's easier to strip the whole lot out (back to where the wiering loom reachese the rear of the car) and start again, than to try and correct what is there already.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.

Tea breaks

So if you took out the tea breaks Nev, the whole job would have taken you about quarter of an hour.

Any veiws expresed


Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.


Totally agree with Nev, tow bars of Fourtraks often have their trailer wiring exposed, those used off road often get wet into the wiring, or the wiring suffers off road damage such as crushing. This causes internal problems within the tow bar wiring itself, i have often found that simply removing the tow bar wiring remedies the problems in the majority of cases.

rear light wiring

no mate, this PO had chopped all the wires, just leaving ends swinging in the wind so to say, behind the O/S blank on the wing there was some sort of bleep unit and again loads of cut off wires, its a real mess.


The bleep unit is the indicator warning buzzer, this is fed from each indicator unit, two wires; and has two feeds to the trailer wiring. Trace the wiring back, it should have one wire to each side to the indicators, these are the feeds which if are disconnected, will disable the unit, it can then be removed along with the trailer cable.