Changed the battery and now my sporty is dead! :help:


Bought a new battery, but due to the terminals having differnt sized fittings I connected and disconnected it several times in quick succession. On the last attempt, the
relays stopped clicking and no lights came up on the dash. I have checked everything I can find. found a few blown fuses and changed them but still nothing. Checked all the relays and they seem to work fine. The only way I can get anything to work is by bridging the main relay which gives you power at the dash. Same goes for the fuel pump relay and the injectors. I bought an ecu from a breakers to try, but as i dont even know if that one was working it could still be the ecu that is the problem.

It has a factory fitted alarm (scorpion i think) but i dont know if its armed or connected. Posted a link on here before but then lost it, so sorry if youve already replied once but your help would be much appreciated.

On the older 4x4 stuff there

On the older 4x4 stuff there used to be fusable links (just look like a thick wire pluged between two normal wires) befor anything els (appart from the starter). Don't know if this is true of the sporti. Could be worth a hunt at least?

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.

Checked everything i could

Checked everything i could find with a multimeter. All the wires and connections, fuses, relays, igniton barrel etc. I suspect either the ecu or some kind of imobilser. Must be someone thats seen this problem before???