Hi I am desparte for a cuore manual for a 1999 car.My daughter has just got this car only to find it has a lot wrong with it on the steering side of things.Any help or offers of parts would be a help I will buy the parts .But what I really need is a manual.
Thanks Neil
*Points to the Service Manuals tab above right*
Lurch has done a great job of transcribing a number of manuals to pdf form, including two versions of the Cuore. Highly recommended.
And agreed - having a manual is virtually essential. The amount of time and money I've saved.
cuore manual
Hi again I am not 100% sure which one i need it's a 1999 t reg so is it a 501 or a 701
A T reg cuore will be a
A T reg cuore will be a 701. Which is the manual where daihatsu for some reason reference another manual I've never been able to track down.
03 Reg Yellow YRV Turbo!
Re manual
Hi thanks for the reply will the 701 manual cover the suspension and steering as my daughters car has failed these on the MOT I have just found out .As the guy who sold it to her never mentioned this car had failed an MOT.