Hello, I recently had the box out to rebuild my worn selectors. I got it back in and it passed the MOT, on the way back from test I changed into 5th gear, but it didn't engage. I took the box out this afternoon, and it looks as if something is missing from the passenger side. There is a slider in the bottom of the box and a pivot further up thats bolted through the case from the outside(looks like the level plug, heard people remove this by accident often). The arm on the turret doesn't appear long enough to engage the slider at the bottom of the box, it looks to me as if an arm that pivots on the bolt has gone missing. I still have reverse so I assume thats the long arm on the drivers side of the box. I can't see the arm in the box, and I assume that if it fell away in the box it would have been sucked into the mainshaft and I would be looking into a mess of broken teeth.
I am pretty depressed so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.