Cuore coolant temp sender


Cuore coolant temp sender where could I get another one from please .As I have a high reving Cuore
Thanks Neil

If its a 850cc try

If its a 850cc try

Also phone Buypartsby in the parts dealer section.

The 1.0 ltr might be dealership only, most little Daihatsu parts are.
Good luck

Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Black Charade GTti, 89 White Charade GTti, 1998 White 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance!!

Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Charade GTti, 89 Charade GTti, 98 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance Wink