Just to set the scene, Mintex recommended pad set MDB1910 for both the YRV and YRV Turbo, so they must be the same fitting.
EBC recommend pad set DP1217 for the YRV (c.£60) and DP1344 (£15) for the YRV Turbo.
I'd rather pay £15 for the pads for my YRV. Can anyone give just cause why the DP1344 pads cannot be married to my YRV?
Hi Tony, That's a good find.
Hi Tony,
That's a good find.

The only thing I can think off why you couldn't use them is that the YRV turbo has bigger discs over the standard YRV discs. So I would be under the impression that the pads maybe a little too big for your cars discs perhaps
Unfortunately that's as much as I can give you to go on. Although it's interesting that the Mintex number is the same for both models though
'53' Plate Yellow YRV Turbo/ '53' Plate Black Subaru Impreza WRX STi PPP
'12' Plate Mazda MX-5 2.0 litre NC 3.5 Venture Roadster 160BHP
'15' Plate SEAT LEON 184 FR TDI. 240BHP/500nm Torque.
Past: '53' Plate Yellow YRV Turbo Approx. 150BHP
We all thought they were the same at one time or another. I think it was member YRV130 that first sussed out the difference, even the dealership got it wrong at the time.
They callipers are different inc the shape of the pads.
Jon's right in saying the std are smaller discs at 234mm. Turbo's are bigger at 246mm and has same pads as the Suzuki Ignis, not the same discs though.
Its a catch 22, the std discs are cheap and pads quite expensive, Turbo discs are mega expensive but the pads cheap!!
Just beware alot of brake part catalogues are wrong and list them all to be the same. Ages ago i told EBC several times they were listed wrong but it took them years to change the pads fitments list and strangely enough they kept the discs the same????? Errr EBC, different pads should mean different discs.
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Black Charade GTti, 89 White Charade GTti, 1998 White 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance!!
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Charade GTti, 89 Charade GTti, 98 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance
YRV brake pads
Thanks for your responses Jon and Dave. Unfortunately you aren't able to confirm that I can be a £15 man!
If I were a Daihatsu designer I would have kept the caliper and pads the same and gained the required extra braking effort for the Turbo by increasing the disc size and arranging the caliper fixing points so that the pads operate on the larger radius. That way you change the design of the least parts and thus retain the greatest quantity savings on components.
This philosophy may hold water, as the Mintex pads for both versions are the same, so they must be the same shape as far as the caliper is concerned. I suppose EBC might have chosen a higher friction pad material for the Turbo (but why cheaper), which itself wouldn't obviate their use on the YRV.
I fear the only way to check is to beat EBC about the head until they own up to the differences in their two pad offerings. On the other hand I could take my old spare YRV pads to an EBC stockist and check them against the Turbo pads.
Have you anything to report on the adjustable damper front Jon?
YRV Tony
YRV Tony
Hi Tony,Are you talking
Hi Tony,
Mintex are wrong, dont they still list the discs the same too??
The callipers are similar cos they are the same make but obviously the Turbo needs more stopping power so they choose a slightly bigger/better calliper. Maybe some of the first overseas Turbo's had the lesser brake system and feedback prompted an upgrade change??
Are you talking swapping the callipers over to allow cheaper Turbo pads. Like i say its a catch 22 cos you'l still need the expensive Turbo discs and they dont last long too. The hub wont be the same to mount the disc or calliper, so even more expense.
If EBC did not know the Suzuki Ignis pads were also Daihatsu YRV Turbo, had they known i'll bet you anything the price would have shot up. Another thing about the EBC Greenstuff pads, they have slightly more compound depth on them and can cause them to rub the disc. Obviously made to match the Ignis set up. You can either rub them down a bit or leave out the rattle shims, which i think i have done on my Turbo. Being honest i dont like the EBC greenstuff pads they seem to glaze easily and make noises when pressed hard.
Cheers, Dave.
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Black Charade GTti, 89 White Charade GTti, 1998 White 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance!!
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Charade GTti, 89 Charade GTti, 98 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance
YRV brake pads
I am shot down in flames from all directions!
EBC Direct replied extraordinarily quickly to my query this morning and sent the following data.
"We only list the DP1344 against the YRV 1.3 "Turbo" model.
The DP1217 is listed against the non-Turbo models.
The pads are not interchangeable as they are different pad shapes:
And different they are, just as you said. Clearly I don't have the same mindset as the Daihatsu designer!
This also shoots down Mintex.
So, no £15 pads for me!!!!
YRV Tony
YRV Tony
Sorry Tony You can still
Sorry Tony
You can still find good quality fairly cheap pads for the Std YRV if you shop about.
Try these guys out, they're fairly local to me (8mls to Rochdale)but mail order for you.
Think the pad make is Rolunds?? There seems to be 2 levels of pad quality, one has an X in the part number and usualy a couple of quid cheaper too. They also sell brake service kits, discs, callipers etc etc......
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Black Charade GTti, 89 White Charade GTti, 1998 White 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance!!
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Charade GTti, 89 Charade GTti, 98 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance
YRV brake pads
Thanks for that Dave.
You Car-Brakes supplier looks good.
On eBay the most convincing pad/£ offer is from Bradscott Surplus who offer Blueprint pads at £17.99 + £4.99 postage.
After about 4 years/30k miles my discs fail the MoT on rust crazed inside faces when the outside face is shining bright. The outer pads are hardly worn and the inners (the piston side) are still less than half worn. You can tell from this that I don't brake much or hard. I've certainly never triggered the ABS.
The front brake disc on my Morini is still shining bright on both faces after 17 years, 35k miles and the original pads!
Since asbestos based pads were banned, modern brake discs seem to be made of the most corrosion prone material. Bah!
YRV Tony
YRV Tony
YRV Premium front brakes
Particularly for Bob F but also of interest to jpor Jon and Daihatsu Dave.
Bob, I liked your finished job on your Sirion brakes and will soon be doing the same job. In fact already I've rust proofed (using Fertan) the parts of my discs that you've painted, ready to put on a coat of grey high-temperature manifold paint. Hammerite, if that's the paint you used, is good for 80 degrees C continuously and 120 C intermittently, so if you get enthusiastic on the brakes it may flake off the edges - but it looks good now!
I feel pretty smug at present having bought a pair of Allied Nippon discs for £28 and a set of Blueprint pads for £16 (I made an accepted offer on the £17.99 Bradstock Surplus pads on eBay). My local factor charges about £50 for these Blueprint pads.
Let's hope my smugness doesn't come before a fall!!!
YRV Tony
YRV Tony
Good price Tony ! Blueprint
Good price Tony !
Blueprint ADL usualy have alot of Original Equipment Manufacturers parts in the box, are the pads made by Hitachi which come as standard on the YRV Turbo? If not what make are they??
I believe a good coating for brake callipers is the high temperature stuff they sell for jazzing up your rusty BBQ grate etc, usualy comes in silver or black too.
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Black Charade GTti, 89 White Charade GTti, 1998 White 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance!!
Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Charade GTti, 89 Charade GTti, 98 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance
YRV Premium brakes etc
Bob, the 1.3 Daihatsu engine is quite nippy, especially with its short gearing. If you get it right you can surprise anyone (except of course our friends with YRV Turbos).
For the rust-prone edges of my discs and the 'top hat' I'm going to use some grey POR 15 high-temperature manifold paint which I bought to try to stop my exhaust rusting just in front of the silencer. I won't be painting the calipers.
Initially I used Hammerite on the above exhaust and it looked good -even when it had lost adhesion and was a sliding silver cylinder around the pipe! I then tried the stuff that you suggested for calipers Dave. Blackfriars black Heat Resistant Paint is good for 400 degrees C, but that didn't work on the exhaust either. I try the POR 15 tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
My £16 Blue Print pads arrived today and I'm not quite so smug now. The pads look fine but came without any of the little gizmo clips, so I'll have to use the best from my two sets of old ones. As the pads they came off were only slightly worn lets hope the clips are also still only slightly 'worn'. I bagged the one set of pads the supplier had of this type and they were probably cheap because the clips were missing. Can't grumble really.
The box is marked Blue Print and the part number is the correct BP number , ADD64228, but it also says that the pads were made in Japan by MK Kashiyama Corporation for Automotive Distributors Ltd of Marden, Kent. All very mysterious.
YRV Tony
YRV Tony