Kenwood CD player grief.


I know some of you have these, and i'm looking for some help. The model is KDC-C647
The cartridge in the autochanger seems to be stuck fast, and not releasing. The unit makes a clicking noise pretty much constantly. I'm not that familiar with the thing, so any advice appreciated. Thanx.

Dave with a Sporty with new brakes

CD players and Autochangers

Sorry, can't help regarding your problem, but noticed you said you've got an autochanger. Where have you got that mounted in the Sporty?? I was thinking of getting one but couldnt find a place i was happy to put it, so i've just ordered an MP3/WMA CD player so i can get about 10+ albums on one disk!


multi change cd player

I bought my Fourtrak not knowing there was a multi play cd fitted under the drivers seat. The seller forgot to tell me, and I was pleased with the car as it was, so it was a great bonus to find this thing.
It took me a couple of days to work out how to use it as I had no instructions.
It is fitted onto a small wooden sliding shelf and when you pull the drivers seat forward you have full access to it.
I had a problem getting mine to work, But it was my young daghter that pointed out that I had stacked the CD's in upside down. 'NUMPTY'
Anyway it is working fine now so good luck with your instalation