K&N for Sportrak


Hi, I would like to boost the output of my Sportrak and wondered if anyone has fitted a kit they would recommend please or could suggest any other power upgrade options that do not kill the fuel consumption. K&N website could not spec one for me...Many thanks Smile

The filter will not make any

The filter will not make any difference, remember this engine is tuned for torque and not power.

Any power increase demands higher fuel consumption, economy will be affected, whatever you do.

I and a number of other past

I and a number of other past Sportrak owners have added a K&N filter to them. A full article about it, including the part number of the filter used is at http://www.daihatsu-drivers.co.uk/node/73

You won't suddenly have a load more power, but I did notice and other members who also added the filter in the past is that the flat spot in the acceleration disappears with the filter fitted.


My K&N (fitted by a former

My K&N (fitted by a former owner) is straight onto the airbox over the throtal body assembly. Works fin, though I do wonder if it get as much air as it should, as it toches the top of the rocker cover and the inside of the bonnet there...
Oh, and it isn't cone shaped, but barrel shapped. ie. the same size round at both ends.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.

The K&N page on this website

The K&N page on this website lists a cone filter that will fit. Anyone know, can this be mounted in the sportrak airbox or does it need to be like an induction kit?


You take the airbox out, and

You take the airbox out, and you connect the cone filter directly on to the pipe left over. It will end up looking like the pic below.
