I am a new User from Austria-Vienna and driving a Charade GTti 1995 with 53.000 km.
I orderded a LSD about 2 weeks ago @ camskill motorsport and paid the money via bank transfer on the 10th June.
Over 1 week I get no mail or anything from camskill, I tried it per Fax too - no answer until now :-(.
I allways just heard good things about camskill and Mike, I really hope that mike only is very busy and will write me back soon.
Every Message from me to camskill was very politely and not angry, but now I am getting angry because I paid 285 Pound and get no message or anything :evil:.
What I want to ask you is if camskill is a company I can trust and if the allways send no mails or anything when the receive the money/send the parts.
It is not a problem for me to wait for the LSD, I only wanted a message from camskill if the get the money and everything is allright-I believe that is normally for a buyer.
Sorry for my bad english, I really tried to give my best :).
Greetings from Austria-Vienna