Hi, All,
First off, my apologies for going over old ground if that's what I'm doing, but I've only just found this site!
I've got an amazing old F20 that is magic for off road stuff, and cost me virtually nothing as the fuel feed didn't if you know what I mean! The top 18" of an old fishing rod cured that.
I need to find out what sort of carb these things have, as there doesn't appear to be any ID on the body of mine and I need to fiddle with it. It's a standard 1600 petrol engine, which, I'm told, is made by Toyota.
Anybody got any ideas what the carb is and where I might find a diagram or something?
Cheers, All
Can't help with the carb it's
Can't help with the carb it's self, but I can confirm that the engine is a Toyota 12R. Maybe Toyota could help more. What is it you want to fidle with? If your problem is loss of powere on steep inclines, that's normal. Throw away the standard carb, and replace with a ford escort webber.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
F20 Carb
Thanks for that.
Is it a simple operation, or do I need to change any manifolds etc?
Bob Hewitt
Sorry can't tell you. It was
Sorry can't tell you. It was done to one of the F20's in my club, not mine. I know it did make a diffrence though. I belive they made an addapter plate themselves. The only other thing is the new carb sitts higher, so a power bulge was needed in the bonnet.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.