Ive just bought a Daihatsu Hijet 1300 EFI, and ive bin told that its a non-runner, it has a tidy body and clean engine, the previous owner told me the story of how it broke down, he said
He was driving up a hill and he heard a sqwealin noise like the fan belt, then the van just started slowin down like he had run out petrol and came to a stop and would start again,
Theres a 1/4 of fuel and ive changed the battery and all the ignition lights come on, and you can hear the fuel pump workin, ive check to see ive there is fuel gettin to the engine and there is.
I toke two of the spark plugs out and there is no spark on them.
i just wanted to know weather
Q. any one else has experienced this problem and knows how to fix it?
Q. is the ignition fused?
Q. has any body got a wiring diagram and/or a maintanace manual
Does the yellow engine manage
Does the yellow engine management light come on with the ignition?
Does the yellow engine management light come on with the ignitio
Yes then after the engine has run providing there are no faults stored in the ecu memory it will go out
regards robert
it comes on but theres no spark at tall do you think it needs a new ignition coil?
Hi Jet..1994 3 cyl. starts fine when cold
I have a 94 Hi jet that starts fine when cold but after the engine has warmed up I have trouble starting.. Sometimes I have to resort to flooded engine start up... (Holding the accelerator pedal to the floor). Does anyone have a solution? I'm in the Philippine Islands, does anyone know where to buy parts here?
Read my Hi-Jet probs
Hi take a look at my problem under Hi-Jet cutting out in first gear after heavy braking - Local Daihatsu dealer solved it, perhaps you have the same prob
Best of Luck