Well, it seem my previous post did not got anybody attention. Either I am te only one here with a Rocky or we arent to cooperative.. Hmmm..
In hopes that to prove myself wrong, I am re-submitting the same inquiry in a sligthly different wording "Is there a way to make a 1985 Leave suspension Rocky more gentle. I mean, the car is touch, in all senses. Is a bumpy ride. Have anybody done a Helicoil conversion? I hear that you can remove some of leave suspension and attach a helicoil from a lada niva.. kind of a hybrid suspension/ ANY COMMENTS! comments...your atti comments...your attitude leaves a lot to be desired...people on this forum are extremely helpful to other owners...if you dont get an answer straight away...its probably because an owner with the knowledge about your particular problem has not read your post...just resubmit with a better attitude.
I'm with Mike on this one. A
I'm with Mike on this one. As I've said to my 6 year old on many occasion, 'you'll get nothing talking to people like that.'
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
i agree
one of the reasons i went back to a 4trak is because of the help and information from this site,
Cultural differences.
I agree with you if that was my intention. To explain: I have three order vehicles, and the those vehicles forums the structure of my (the original) post will be taken as sacastic not as an inconsiderate and impatient. Could it be a cultural thing. After all I am located in the Americas, were the squeaky well get the grease.
I apologize for the wrong impresion. Thanks for your honest and direct opionions.
Thank you for the appology.
Thank you for the appology.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
My bet, I did not meant to give attitude
I taught I was being a bit sacastic. Could be a cultural thing. I apologize for the impresion given. Thanks for your opinion.