Anyone ever heard of these befor? Where would it have come from? It's a Forenza (Arn't they Sportrak equivilants usually?), but it's only 2WD, and it's mounted in a 4trak body. At the mo it's on the link bellow (e-bay). I think thats a sportrak engin (it does say 1600). Notice the destinct lack of FWH. Why would you want a 2WD off roader?
its got no front hubs? ho
its got no front hubs?
how does that work then?
it looks like someone has perhaps taken the front hubs off. as there is a strange looking bit of grey something behind the wheel? this could just be a cover plate to close over the end of the stub axle that the wheel/bearings sit on.
I would say this is a 4trak that has a buggered transfer box or something similar and someone has dis-abled the 4x4 buy taking off the front hubs!
cant think of any other way. the front axle is still there.
I wouldnt buy it!!!
anyone wana ride in my hovercraft!
With the flaired wheel arches
With the flaired wheel arches it'll be an indipendent. No front axle. So no need for front drive chain. And what about the 1600 engine? It's got me confused.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
trying to waist time during m
trying to waist time during my lunch, so confused regards the independant not having a front axle, i just had a bit of a look on the net!
what i found is that the independant is the third genration fourtrak and is defo 4 wheel drive!
why on earth would diahatsu make a 2 wheel drive fourtrak? thats stupid!
then i came accross a post where someone had disabled the 4x4 due to transfer box problems and removed the front hubs!!!!!
i go back to my previous statement and recon someone has taken the front hubs off to disable the 4x4.
as for the 1600 engine, god knows?
this one has got front hubs!!!
anyone wana ride in my hovercraft!
Yep. That was kind of my rea
Yep. That was kind of my reaction too. What I ment by no front axle was it's indipendent suspention on the front, so there is no 'live' front axle like on the rear, or older models. But even weirder, why are they calling it a Forenza?
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
Its a Feroza. The Australian
Its a Feroza. The Australian equivelent of the Sportrak.
They are 1600cc, 4 cyl EFI. The petrol Fourtrak/Rockys are 2 litre. It is 4wd, some were fitted with small auto hubs, others didnt have free wheeling hubs, and ran their front ends constantly, although they are not constant 4wd's. My guess is the latter applies here. Some Rockys are the same, but no where near as common. Its probably been imported from Oz. They have a torsion bar front end. Its definately NOT a Fourtrak/Rocky. Have a look at each front guard/wing. It has the Feroza name there.
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All views and advice offered are my own, from my own experiences. Take such advice at your own risk.
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Yep. Agree with all that. [i
Yep. Agree with all that. BUT that is not a sportrak body. So to recap. So far it looks like (posibly) a sportrak with raire solid drive shaft to hub asembly (not FWH), a fourtrak body fited on top, and maybe knackered 4wd (or an owner who doesn't know a hell of a lot about 4wd's). Does this about cover it? Or is there someone out there who knows of an obscure (limited edition?) wierd offshoot of the Daihatsu family?
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
A production 2wd Feroza G2 for the American Market, Rare in UK
I have seen previously on ebay a FEROZA in this body but I think it was 4wd. The one on ebay could be a special build or a limited market import in 2wd as the center consol looks as if there is no place for the addition al transfer box lever. Also this is on a Carb not EFI which for a 1999 is totally wrong. I have asked the seller a question in the hope that we might get an answer.
I have just realised that I wrote on the other on this site back in 2006. It was 2wd and a reply indicated that they were on hire in Bali and indonesia. Look under DAIHATSU FEROZA G2 dated 28 Dec 2006.
All your theories are incorrect. These were made for the American market and unlike the Sportrak apart from the obvious eg 2WD, Carb, they have coil springs on the rear as standard. Not many were imported by Daihatsu fot the UK market so as the details states, they are rare here They are production model aimed initially at the American Market.
Seems quite a snip if you are interested in its rarity I would say be it a bit limited with just 2wd. Thanks to SANDBIKE 125 FOR THE INFORMATION on his "unique" vehicle. I might have it me self lol
M J Young