i'm currently stationed in italy where i happened to come across a 1988 rocky. i immediatly fell in love with it. unfortunatly the engine isnt any good anymore and i need it replaced. i cant find a daihatsu dealer anywhere near me. i've heard rumors of a bmw engine..i belive the m40 will fit in it. i also heard that a toyota engine also might fit in. can anyone offer any info tht will help me get my rocky back into the alps? anythign that could help would be great even if its jsut to steer me inthe right direction.
One Toyota engine that defina
One Toyota engine that definatly fits is the 2 litre 3Y. It is the standard fitment petrol for this car. However presuming yours is a 2.8 disle at the mo, you would also need a diffrant input shaft & bell housing for the gearbox.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
its actually the gas 1.6 I4 D
its actually the gas 1.6 I4 DOHC engine. i heard its a little bit of a rarity but im not really sure. does that affct the 3Y from fitting in any differntly? i know there is some toyota dealers near by that i can get my hands on an engine. thanks for the info it gives me a lot of hope getting that rocky back in the alps.
Are you sure it's a Rocky (Fo
Are you sure it's a Rocky (Fourtrak). On the UK market at least the smallest Fourtrak engine is he 2 littre. The Sportrak (Forenza) has a 1600 engine.
However I did find refrence to an odment recently. Roky 2 wheel drive, with 1600 engine. There was some discusion on this sit as to whether it was an import, or a home made (possibly damaged) vehicle. See this page:
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
And the FEROZA (no N Nev), wh
And the FEROZA (no N Nev), which is the Sportrak in the UK, is called a Rocky in the US. Is this left hand drive, or right hand? If its a LHD, it could be an import from the US.
And isnt there some Daihatsus with bimmer engines, called freeclimbers, or something like that?
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i did some more digging, its
i did some more digging, its says the 1.6 l SOHC and the DOHC engien was sold between 1987 -1993 till the second gentration of rockys came out. the rockys were sold with these in engines in teh us till 1992 when daihatsu pulled out. if the engine was made for the us i wouldnt understand why its euro spec. the free climber wa made by an itain acompany: bertone. it used the bmw m40 engine. not sur which one they used ill have to dig deeper. so it goes to reason that unless bertone change the mounts the m40 should slide in to at leas 2nd genertaion rockys with out too mcuh of a problem. a friend of mine gave me one other thought. what if its not euro spec. doesnt daihatsu sell in korea or japan mostly? i didnt htaink that was the case but it is possible. i'll have to dig some more to see where this rocky came from then maybe i can get an idea of where to go from there.--
If it is the 1600 motor, then
If it is the 1600 motor, then the Daihatsu Applause has the same motor. Apparently everything bolts up, even though the Applause is east-west mounted.
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yep its a rocky ex. but im n
yep its a rocky ex. but im not really sure which market it came form. it is LHD but its not us spec that much is very clear. i did find on teh title it says the engine diplscement is 65 kw. since i dont know the engine specs, im not sure what theengine is. i was jsut going off what i was told. i was under the impressioen it was the hd-e engie. it seems i might be back at square one trying to get her up and runing again. im jsut learnig about daihatsu and still dont know everyhtign i need to know, so i have to ask this: where on the block is the engine cod eso i can find out once in for all what it it. ill check oout that site you gave me, but the rocky i have is 4wd. which i hae to add wroks liek a champ im the middel of a snowstorm when your trying to get down off a goat trail as quick as you can b/c nite is falling.
tahnks for the info--