I have just obtained a 1999 TDX independent, and need a Workshop manual. Does anyone know where I can get one cheaper than Daihatsu?
I have just obtained a 1999 TDX independent, and need a Workshop manual. Does anyone know where I can get one cheaper than Daihatsu?
work shop manual
hi, i contacted lurch on this site when i got my f78 for a manual but he was in the long proccess of making one up but he told me that the f75 manual covered most of the same except the suspension if i was desperatly needing a manual for the engine and running gear then the f75 manual would do.i had a f75 manual anyway so decided to wait.
if you contact him through the link at the top af the page marked service manuals he will help you better.
hope you have success
Fourtrack F78 Workshop Manual
Thanks for the advice. Someone is sending me a CD for the 75, but I would like one that covers everything. I will contact Lurch and see what he has to offer.