Hi, does any one know what colour the main beam wire is on a 1990 Rocky, as I want to fit a pair of driving lights to it... Ron the Historyman.
Hi, does any one know what colour the main beam wire is on a 1990 Rocky, as I want to fit a pair of driving lights to it... Ron the Historyman.
Think you will find it is red
Think you will find it is red and yellow but check out the colour at the bulb connector to be sure. If you are wiring them in to come on with the main beams you may need to slave a relay from the original wires as they aren't very heavy and might get a bit warm with the additional current from your extra lights.
Main beam wire
Historyman drives a Rocky
Thanks Paulbr, they came with a relay and pre wired kit so now I know the colour I should be OK
Historyman drives a Rocky
Be ware. 4trak headlights ar
Be ware. 4trak headlights are earth switched. This makes wiring spots to main beam a little more complicated than to most cars.
Also have a look at this page:
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.