Hi there...
I'm a new fourtrak owner with a full beam problem!
I've checked the bulbs and they are fine, but when I switch on the full beam, or flash the lights, the lights go out. There is no full beam light on the dashboard either...
Anyone have any ideas what I should check next?
Start with the simple things.
Start with the simple things. Take the plastic shroud off the steering column, and give a good spray around the electrical contacts that are in there with some sort of dewatering fluid. It could be just a bit of garbage on the contacts.
Growing old is compulsary, growing up isnt, and MUD MAKES EXCELLENT TOOTHPASTE.
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All views and advice offered are my own, from my own experiences. Take such advice at your own risk.
Growing old is compulsary, growing up isnt.
I use billion dollar satellites, to find Tupperware.
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All views and advice offered are my own, from my ow
Thanks Bundy - I'll get out the screwdrivers tomorrow...
If that failes you may need t
If that failes you may need to get at the contacts, and physicaly clean them up.. they do tend to get 'cruded' up, like points, after a while. I've had to do this to two seperat 'traks.
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
did you get your full beam sorted? mine is the same. any advice?
Main beam
Hi gaf,
I've just had to do mine last night (in the dark and freezing cold).
As Nev.K said in an earlier reply. Take the streering column plastics off. Look at the underside of the switch. There is a clear plastic cover over the contacts which needs removing to allow access to the contacts. When you work the lever on and off to the Main Beam flash position you'll see which contacts move. Just give them a clean with some fine grade rubbing paper and WD-40. You might as well do the other contacts while you're there. The lights should work now
full beam
Just sorted my headlights out, same problem. Take the cover off the steering column and squirt some WD40 in to the contacts give it a few seconds pull the the lever and squirt some more that should do the trick. Took the beast to an auto electrician and he wanted to charge me £500 for the same job, some excuse about taking the dash off and replacing several components.