Hello, i was driving my 1988 F75 Fourtrak EL Turbo Diesel yesterday, filled up with fuel, left the garage and the turn signal and hazards failed. I assumed the fuse had gone, so replaced it (7.5), but no good, the indicators and hazards were dead. I then checked all the bulbs, fine, and checked various cables for obvious signs of damage etc, but still no luck, so if any one out there in Daihatsu Land can point me in some kind of direction hopefully i will be able to let people know which direction i am going! One more thing, bought a second hand Nudge/Bull bar yesterday with no fittings, does anyone know the dimensions of the bolts please, Many Thanks, Fourtrak Jack.
I take it the relay is doing
I take it the relay is doing it's clicky thing?
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
Yeh I would agree with Kev...
Yeh I would agree with Nev...check the relay and the flasher unit...from memory the relay is under front dash to the right handside on driver's side. The flasher is certainly under the dash just above the clutch pedal.Small regtangular box. I had to replace the flasher at one point and the only compatible one appeared to be the genuine Daihatsu part...about £12 a go from main dealer...bloody robbery !!
No Indicators!
Thank You Mike and Nev.K, i will give it a go and let you know! F.J.
Indicators Working!!
Many Thanks to you both, Bought a new Flasher Unit, fitted it, and all working now. For future reference the flasher is from A1 Motor Stores, Part No. 638, £8.99, Thanks Again, F.J.
Great glad you got it sorted.
Great glad you got it sorted.