Sorry for my English. I have a problem with front transmission. It doesn't work when I connect 4x4. Cardan is rolling, but front wheels don't move. Thank you
Sorry for my English. I have a problem with front transmission. It doesn't work when I connect 4x4. Cardan is rolling, but front wheels don't move. Thank you
Sorry. What does 'Cardan' me
Sorry. What does 'Cardan' mean? Do you mean 'prop shaft', or 'transmition' posibly?
Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.
My guess is he means front pr
My guess is he means front prop shaft, as Toyota Hiluxes and some others have whats called a double cardian joint in the front propshaft to deal with driveline angles.
As for the original question, Have you got your free wheeling hubs locked? Check the centre of the front wheels. The arrow has to point to "4x4" or "Lock" which ever is applicable.
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