Hello All,
I was browsing the net trying to find out a little about fuel consumption for my Daihatsu Charade when I stumbled across this site. I noticed it's a UK site and i'm actually in Australia myself but I'm sure you guys would love to help anyway
Now I just purchased a 1.3 5 door 1991 Daihatsu Charade about a month ago and i don't believe it's very good on petrol. I seem to be getting about 10kms per litre which in the UK is about 6.25 miles.
Is that right?? It seems to be pretty high to me. My brother drives a 4.8 litre ute and he tells me that he is getting the same mileage.
I'm at work at the moment and I don't have any other information to hand but I'll post other things like the model of the car tonight.
If I should be getting more miles to the gallon then how to I go about fixing that??
Sounds rather thisty
How about servicing it and adding a new coolant temp sender
It is better to be thought an idiot than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
It is better to be thought an idiot than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.