Window crack


Hi everyone. This is my first post on here as i have just signed up. I have browsed this site now and then for a while though. I have a P reg Hijet 993cc.

I was just curious if window cracks can be repaired. The crack itself was made from a small stone on the m62. It is no larger than a 5p coin and hasn't grown since it occured roughly 5 months ago. Thanks

window crack repair

Most auto glass repair shops like Autoglass here in N. Ireland (don't know if you have this company over there in Britain) can repair this type of crack for a reasonable fee.

They have a special tool to do this without having to take out the pane of glass.

Don't think there's a DIY solution, other than a good friend with some 'know how'.

they quite often go to

they quite often go to supermarket car parks and will repair small chips and cracks for free by resin injection. all to do with road safety! see if you can find out if they're gonna be near you soon.

autoglass freephone number: 0800 587 8198

daihatsu hijet - a tardis on wheels!

1998/s red hijet 1.3 efi

daihatsu hijet - a tardis on wheels!

1998/s red hijet 1.3 efi