
I have a 1990 1.6 petrol Sportrak which I purchased a month or so ago. During this recent cold snap its almost impossible to keep running for the first few miles. This appears to be due in the main to the auto choke holding the butterfly tight shut (full choke) and only letting up when the engine reaches thermo-nuclear temperature. 10 minutes later (having been stopped) & the choke is back on.
Any ideas ??

I think this is happening wit

I think this is happening with my car if i leave the car stood still after being driven for about 15 minutes the car engine will flood when i try to start it. It will only work again if i leave it for about another 25 minutes.
I have taken it to garages and they dont know what is wrong with it.

does this sound like what is happening with yours


I have been told that there i

I have been told that there is a manual chock conversin avalible. Allegedly millners have them?

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.