Where can you buy indicator/sidelight units for Sportrak?


Hi All

I am having a massive issue trying to buy a n/s front indicator / Sidelight unit for my 1989 Sportrak, has anyone any idea where you can get them from as mine has corroded and i can't get the bulbs out!!
I have tried the ususal, Milner, Eurocarparts, ebay and breakers online.

A couple of years ago I got the otherside from Woodford Daihatsu at huge cost and want to avoid this if possible!

I need one, or another soloution asap as the MOT is due in 2 weeks



I am in exactly the same

I am in exactly the same position. I have contacted my local Daihatsu parts dealer and they have confirmed that they are no longer available.

Has anyone got any other ideas of where to look in order to get one?