LH indicator doesn't, and buzzes


On a Skywing (like G10/11 Charade)

Havn't had time to investigate yet, but inspections due soon so will have to make some.

I'm guessing faulty relay, flasher unit, or dirty contacts. Its only the LHS so far.

Any suggestions gratefully recieved.

Cleaned up the fuses, pulled

Cleaned up the fuses, pulled the flasher unit (the case came off due to the force required, but I don't THINK the unit was damaged) and now it indicates sometimes, (which I suppose is some kind of progress) but the hazard flasher doesn't.

Not sure if it ever did (they may not check it).

Delving further requires what is probaly a stupid question. Theres a continuity testing diagram in the G100 manual, (may or may not be the same) which includes "Dimmer passing, HF, HL and HU) settings.

I'm guessing HF Headlights Full, HL Headlights Low , and HU sidelights?

Confirm or deny?

I suspect the fault may be in

I suspect the fault may be in the multi-position switch on the steering column, which may not be dismantle-able.

Anyone tried a spray of electrical contact cleaner in this kind of situation?

After my half-baked pull and

After my half-baked pull and clean the LHS indicator was working maybe 8 out of 10 tries.

On the way to inspection, I took the car in for petrol and gave the steering colunn switch a good blast of compressed air, and after that it........

...........didnt work at all.


So if it ain't COMPLETELY broke, don't fix it.

Lesson 2 and counting

Ater driving around in the Tainan rush hour, risking my arm doing LH turn signals (which I'd guess few Taiwanese have ever seen before) the switch staged a partial recovery, to say 4 or 5 tries out of 10.

So I gave it a good blast of contact cleaner and, 24 hours later and more driving around Tainan, it..........

.........doesn't work at all.

DOH! and DOH!

I dunno if its taught me anything, though, since I'm going to try BOTH next. Couldn't really make the LH any worse, but if I loose the RH that'll be awkward, since the RH turn hand signal is, IIRC, a bit too abstract to work with Taiwanese.


I can see the headlines now in the Taiwan Gazette. "Man seen waving appendage from car window" - The Phantom Flasher of Taiwan goes about his evil work.

Here Endeth the Third Lesson

Actually, apart from scootards going for my elbow, people are giving me a pretty wide berth.

Rather like waving your arms and shouting to yourself on a bus. Not that I do that, of course, at least not yet.

Sho nuff, 24 hours later, BOTH indicators dead. Yea, even as a pair of matching doornails.

No buzzing, no nothing

Contact cleaner/compressed air (or at least THIS contact cleaner/compressed air) is shaping up as a less-than-stellar solution. I'm going to have to risk the other lights and try to take it apart.