Setting Skywing Points Gap


Any tips for this (on a Daihatsu Skywing, mostly like a G11 Charade)?

Its a long time since I last did this on a car, so maybe I've forgotten how, but on the Skywing it seems more difficult than I remember.

Firstly, the distributor faces to the rear, so you can't really see what you're doing.

I tried using a mirror but then all your actions are reversed, which would take a long time to get used to.

Secondly, although I'll have another look at it, I can't see HOW to adjust the position of the fixed (non-sprung) contact. It LOOKS like both the contacts have fixed mountings on the same baseplate, which would make it impossible to adjust their relative positions.

The G10 engine manual (closest I have. Distributor looks the same) doesn't really mention setting the points gap. It specifies the heel gap, and gives the same figure for the points gap as "reference information" These are clearly related, but I'm not sure if its enough just to set the heel gap and assume the points gap will be correct. For one thing, I've lightly filed the points which might alter the relationship a little.

They perhaps ignore the points gap because they tell you to check the dwell angle (They don't seem to tell you (how) to adjust it, but I guess moving the base plate should work). I don't have a dwell meter here and would probably have trouble finding anyone who knew what one was, though I suppose I could get one sent from abroad or possibly find a high-end non-automotive meter that did duty cycle.

I had a Gunson (Autotune?) automotive meter in the UK that did dwell, tach and some other stuff, but its probably in landfill by now.