rot in fourtrak


Getting my fourtrak ready for a test and we have discovered major rot in the back of the jeep, basically the whole floorpan and inner wheelarches need to be replaced. Is there anywhere that sells these parts new or is the breakers yard my only option ( to get the panels ). Has anyone had this issue before and how did you deal with it Thanks

Unavailable new, you can find

Unavailable new, you can find a scrapper and cut sections out with a battery angle grinder or fabricate your own which isn't as hard as people imagine.

pins for hinges on back door daihatsu Fourtrak

I am trying to purchase new pins for the back door of my Daihatsu fourtrak dealer wants to sell me the complete hinges very expensive as they need to be ordered from Japan any idea's please Unknw

They are C pins, measure the

They are C pins, measure the holes and drill the hinge out at the next size, hammer the C pins in and refit, then grease regularly.