1979 F50 front wheel cylinders/brake shoes.


Hope someone out there can help me. Never been on these forum things, so can only assume someone will stimble across my message and reply with some much needed and welcome advice!
Have a 1979 F50, the soft top one, although it now has a custom hard top fitted. Brilliant little workhorse, hardly had any problems at all, until recently. Brakes have been pulling seriously to the offside, failed MOT on this. It has drum brakes. Have been told it needs new front wheel cylinders and shoes. WHERE CAN I FIND SOME??? Please help me, I cant find any. Tried Graeme Dewhurst, he suggested perhaps changing the job lot for disc brakes. Sounds expensive, so I was hoping either someone would have what I'm after, or would know of a compatible part from another vehicle. (Better long term solution)

Wheel cylinders

Have a look at these guys


Your application is listed but you will have to contact them for a price and availability. Otherwise try just turning up at your local Partco/Brown Brothers/Edmunds Walker/Unipart or who ever is in your area and ask them to look it up in the Blueprint catalogue. You might have to insist that they actually look at a real paper catalogue and not just the computer which probably won't even have the car listed. Failing that you can get wheel cylinders sleeved and refurbished which may cost less than tracking down a new set. As an after thought, try e-mailing Gary Langford at Daihatsu, he will be able to check stock and price for you. I can find part numbers from an old microfiche if you need them.

Good luck - Alastair.

You can get disk breaks for

You can get disk breaks for the F50. Some of the very last ones (A Plate) had them fitted. And you can change them over. You basicly need the whole assembly on the end of the axle. If you bye a compleat (roten) donour car from e-bay or such (the cheapest option) you can split the swivle housing, and disconect the break line (not forgetting to remove the swivle housing seal from behind the swivle ball) and the stearing, you can slide the whole assembly and half shaft out of the axle casing, and change it over.
These disk breaked F50's are prity scarse, but if you find one the owner probably wont know just what he has, as most people would just asum there all the same.
Alternativly suvuki SJ break disks fit on like most cars (sliding over the wheel studs). These can be fitted easily, once you remove the break drum gubins. However then you have to cut the caliper mounts from your donour car, and weld them onto your F50 swivel housings. Not an easy job to get right, but doable, as proved by more than one F50 owner I know.
Just in case you were wondering, the later Fourtrak hub assembly does not fit. You would have to change the whole axle (which is wider on the 4trak) as well as having to modify the props, as the flange on the diff is larger on the 4trak.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.

brake bits

I've sent you a private message. I'm pretty sure i've got what you want. I'll check when i get home.