Hijet timing issues


Ok, im having major dramas with sorting out ignition timing on my S85 Hijet. I have replaced the cylinder head with a reco unit and also replaced timing belt. Have checked that the dots line up on the crank and cam shaft sprockets with the timing marks on the cylinder head and front cover. The drama's i'm having is it wont start,it just coughs, splutters and back fires severley. Ok, removed dizzy, spun the fly wheel around until the timing dots lined evenly with the timing mark in the little hole at the back of the gear box. replaced dizzy with rotor cap pointing just after number one spark plug lead. Still, wont start. All it does coughts, splutters, back fires. Checked timing belt, yep all even, dots meet up where they should. What the hell is going on. REmoved no 1 spark plug, rotated crank till no 1 pitston TDC, removed dizzy and realightd rotor cap so it points at no 1 spark plug lead, no go, Cough, splutter, back fire. I NEED HELP, WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!