yrv turbo rear light cluster


Can any one tell me where i can source one from? The daihatsu dealer which is a 5t9 mile drive ordered me one and it was the noe for the standard yrv. said it was the only one available. have contacted all the breakers yards but with no success. Some twat smashed mine in a public car park and drove off. Thankfully no other damage!

YRV rear light

Phone Daihatsu UK/IM group - Daihatsu Vehicle Distributors on 0121 747 4000, ask to speak to Gary Langford parts manager, he will search for the correct part number.
Dont trust their parts system!
Club member YRV130 once pointed out the front brake discs are listed wrongly as std type and UK technical had to look into it.
Recently a local dealers said the system was showing a std 1.3 single pipe exhaust for the turbo and spark plugs were also bog standard not the long life platinum twin electrode that they are!!
Let us know how you get on.

Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO / 91 Black Charade GTti.
Past- 89 White Charade GTti / 1998 White 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend in deed, a friend always in need, a F..king nuisance!!

Current- 04 Silver YRV TURBO
Past- 91 Charade GTti, 89 Charade GTti, 98 1.3 Hi-Jet.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend always in need, an Effin nuisance Wink

rear light cluster

5 minute phone call to IM group sorted it all out. Good to know these folk are out there for fture reference