Bianco? Huit à la Bianco?


A 1993 Charade TS Bianco. Ah, the Charade...fond memories of granddad's '92 Charade basking in the...

Hold on a second? 'Bianco'? Is that a Bond girl? A Spanish tourist mecha? A brand of instant gravy?

Well, apparently it's a 1993 with colour coded door handles, wing mirrors and...for no apparent reason...hubcaps. And 'Bianco' stickers with little faded, yellow suns on them.

What is this?

I suspect it's either a) a limited edition, 'Cash in before we replace it next year' model or b) something like Carla Zampatti's '81 Ford Laser or the yellow-un-green Toyota Paseo Galliano (sold in limited numbers in the UK) (though this seems doubtful considering it's not exactly 'fashionable', not even for 1993).

Can anyone help me on this?