1992 Applause Hazard light problem


Hey all, new to this forum.

I recently bought a late '92 Applause, my first car.

The only major problem was that the battery was dying. So I changed it.

Now whenever I start it up, the hazard lights come on for about a minute. Flicking the hazard light switch won't turn it off in that minute. It works fine afterwards tho.

Has anybody else experienced this problem? And what did you do to fix it?

Hope you guys can help, thanks.

1992 Applause Hazard light problem

I had a similar problem, it turned out to be related to the immob/alarm system. Not sure of the fix, after i replaced the alarm system with a newer one the problem disappeared.

1993 Applause - Mint!

Thanks, I'm guessing its got


I'm guessing its got to do with the wiring then.

Kinda weird how it was working fine til I changed the battery tho. Its not like I played around with the electronics or anything.

Once again, thanks for your input.

Thanks for replying. This

Thanks for replying. This may sound weird but it stopped doing it. I haven't done anything to the car other than drive it since I changed the battery. Not that I'm complaining tho. Thanks again for replying.